Central Diagnostic Imaging (DADISA)

The Andalusian Society of Development Diagnostic Imaging SA (DADISA), is committed to offering Radiology Diagnostics service capable of providing high-quality clinical analysis which aims to diagnose the most appropriate treatment for the patient.
DADISA uses state of the art technology in the field of diagnostic imaging and has a team of specialized radiologists who perform multiple procedures that allow them to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis depending on the patient"s pathology.
DADISA offers the highest levels of clinical safety through the application of the ALARA principle, which ensures less radiation to the patient.
DADISA is also certified by BM TRADA in the System of Environmental and Quality Control (ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2004).
DADISA offers the following services at Clínica Los Alamos:
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI high magnetic field of 1.5T)
- 16-detector multislice CT scan
Open to the public Monday to Friday
Between 08:00 and 21:00
Contact directly Phone: 956 181 952
Fax: 956 180 982
Email: dadisa@dadisa.com