
Alergología infantil

Psicología Clínica

Don Manuel Campuzano González

Clinical Psychology

Mr. Manuel Campuzano

He graduated in 2004 from the University of Sevilla, Mr. Campuzano has been honored with awards such as the Adolfo Rodríguez Santos Prize from the Association of Residents of Icovesa and the Red Cross CCD of Jerez de la Frontera. 

He is a specialist in chemical addictions (legal and illegal drugs), behavioral addictions (shopping addiction, cyber-dependence ...), anxiety disorders, depression and sexual dysfunction. He has also been a speaker at conferences about substance use and other addictions, as well as author of several articles and book chapters related to drug use.

Don Manuel Campuzano González

El Don Manuel Campuzano González atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Aegon
  • Cosalud

Dr. José Fco. Carboneros de la Fuente


Specialized in Pneumology in 1981 by the University of Salamanca. He is an expert in Asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis and sleep study. 

He has several publications in Pneumology Journals and has contributed in several books of his specialty. 

He has worked at the Hospitals of Santa Creu and Sant Pau in Barcelona and in the Bronchoscopy and Asthma Unit at the Hospital Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla.

Dr. José Fco. Carboneros de la Fuente

El Dr. José Fco. Carboneros de la Fuente atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Sanitas
Anestesiología y Reanimación

Dr. Francisco Chisvert Jiménez


Dr. Francisco Chisvert Jiménez has more than 30 years of experience in the field of anesthesiology. He graduated in 1984 from the University of Seville,  and is an expert in intergastric ball endoscopy under deep sedation, pre-anesthetic consultation, vascular anesthesia and patients with renal insufficiency. 

He has also performed his work as an anesthetist in Barcelona Teknon Clinic and the Hospital Virgen de la Paloma in Madrid. 

He has published several articles in national journals.

Dr. Francisco Chisvert Jiménez

El Dr. Francisco Chisvert Jiménez atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Aegon
  • Antares
  • Caser Salud
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • Hna
  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Medifiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet

El atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:


Dra. Teresa Escatllar Rodríguez de Codes

Radiology Diagnostic Imaging

She graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Seville, as well as her specialization in Radiology.

She is an expert in conventional X Rays, Densitometry, Mammography and Doppler Ultrasound Ecography with an extensive experience.

She has published several articles in radiological medical journals.

Dra. Teresa Escatllar Rodríguez de Codes

La Dra. Teresa Escatllar Rodríguez de Codes atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Antares
  • Caser Salud
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • Fraternidad-Muprespa
  • HNA
  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Medifiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
Angiología y Cirugía Vascular

El atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Aegon
  • Antares
  • BBraun Avitum
  • Caser Salud
  • Centro de Diálisis Linense
  • Cigna
  • Fresenius
  • HNA
  • Medifiatc
  • Mutua Gallega
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
Psicología Clínica

Dña. Elena Gil y Gil

Clinical Psichology

She licensed in Psichology by Seville´s University in 2010.

She has continued her clinical career and has accomplished a Master in Language Disorders between the years 2010 and 2011. In 2012 she obtained the Master in Behaviour Therapy, Clinical Psicopathology and Health.

Dña. Elena Gil y Gil

El Dña. Elena Gil y Gil atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Aegon
Cirugía Estética, Plástica y Reparadora

Dra. María Dolores González Fernández

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Cádiz in 1984 and specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery in 1993. 

Doctor in Medicine and Surgery (Cum Laude) from the University of Cadiz in 1997. 

She is a member of National and International Medical Societies and has attended numerous medical conferences and seminars.

Dra. María Dolores González Fernández

La Dra. María Dolores González Fernández atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas no funcionario
  • Aegon
  • Antares
  • Caser Salud
  • Cigna
  • HNA
  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Mediafiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet

Dr. José María González Montaño


He specialized in Urology in 1983 at the University of Seville. 

In his 30 years of experience he has published several scientific papers and articles.

Dr. José María González Montaño

El Dr. José María González Montaño atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Aegon
  • Caser Salud
  • DKV
  • Mapfre
  • Medifiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet

Dr. Ramón Hernández Cortés


He graduated in 1983 from the University of Cadiz and specialized in Cardiology in 2002. 

Dr. Hernandez holds several awards including the Prize for the best paper on Epidemiology at the XXVII Congress of the Andalusian Society for Cardiology, Doctoral Thesis Award in 1993 awarded by City of Jerez de la Frontera and organized by the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of the District of Cadiz. 

He has an extensive experience as an emergency physician and has worked as a Cardiologyst in several public hospitals in the province of Cádiz, as well as in private practice. 

He has written several publications in medical journals and has been a member of several scientific societies participating in medical research.

Dr. Ramón Hernández Cortés

El Dr. Ramón Hernández Cortés atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Aegon
  • Antares
  • Avant Salud
  • Base Naval de Rota
  • Canal Salud 24h
  • Caser Salud
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • Fraternidad-Muprespa
  • HNA
  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Mediafiatc
  • Mutua Universal
  • Sanitas
  • Sermesa
  • Sersanet
Médico de urgencias

Dra. Montserrat León Sánchez

Dra. Montserrat León Sánchez

La Dra. Montserrat León Sánchez atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Antares
  • Aegon
  • Asefa Salud
  • Avant Salud
  • Caser
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • HNA
  • Medifiatc
  • Mutua Gallega
  • Mutua Universal
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
  • Umas.

Dra. Lourdes Llaves Estévez


She graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Seville, afterwards she specialized in Neurophisiology in the year 2003.

She is a member of the Spanish Society of Neurophysiology and her areas of expertise are Epilepsy and Clinic Neurophisiology.

She has many years of experience and performes all the test required for the diagnosis of the pathologies of the central and periferic nerve system.

Dra. Lourdes Llaves Estévez

La Dra. Lourdes Llaves Estévez atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Activa Mutua
  • Adeslas
  • Caser Salud
  • Cesma
  • DKV
  • Fraternidad-Muprespa
  • Fremap
  • HNA
  • Ibermutuamur
  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Medifiatc
  • Mutua Balear
  • Mutua Gallega
  • Sanitas
  • Unión de Mutuas
Aparato Digestivo y Endoscopia Digestiva

El atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Antares
  • Caser
  • DKV
  • HNA
  • Sanitas
  • Cosalud
  • Aegon

Dr. José Antonio López López


Specialiced in Neurosurgery, he graduated in 1980 from the University of Granada. He is an expert in general neurosurgery and pain management. 

Awarded with the Sixto Obrador Prize for Neurosurgery and is author of several scientific papers and book chapters.

He is a professor at the University of Cádiz at the Surgery Department. He finished his PhD in 1983 with the "Cum Laude" grade.

He is member-founder of the Andalusian Society of Neurosurgery since 1984. He is a member of the Spanish Society of Neurosurgery, the Spanish Society of Pain, as well as the Andalusian Society of Paliative Care and the International Association for the Study of Pain.

Dr. José Antonio López López

El Dr. José Antonio López López atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas no funcionario
  • Caser Salud
  • Mapfre
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
Medicina Interna y Endocrinología

Dr. Jesús Lorente Campos

Endocrinology and Internal Medicine

He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Seville and specialized in Internal Medicine in 1979. Afterwards he specialized in Endocrinology at the University of Cádiz.

He is an expert on eating disorders, dislipemia, hipertension contrl and diabetes.  

Dr. Jesús Lorente Campos

El Dr. Jesús Lorente Campos atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Aegon
  • Sanitas
  • DKV
Cirugía General y del Aparato Digestivo

Dr. Francisco Mateo Vallejo

General Surgery 

He graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Cádiz, he recieved the Santiago Fernández Repeto Prize for the best academic record in the years 1976-1982.

He specialized in General Surgery at the Hospital Puerta del Mar in Cádiz. He has been the chief of the General Surgery  Department at the Hospital of Jerez from 2005-2013.

He has an extensive experience in laparoscopic surgery, in hernia repairs, in coloprotology as well as thyroid surgery and is co-colaborator of the breast unit.
Dr. Francisco Mateo Vallejo

El Dr. Francisco Mateo Vallejo atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Aegon
  • Caser Salud
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • HNA
  • Medifiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
Cirugía Estética, Plástica y Reparadora

Dr. Fernando Muñoz de la Pascua

Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

Graduated as Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery in 1984 from the University of Cadiz and specialized in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery from 1993. 

 Dr. Muñoz has several publications and contributions in scientific journals and conferences. He was Head of Department of Plastic Surgery at the Hospital San Carlos until 1996.

Dr. Fernando Muñoz de la Pascua

El Dr. Fernando Muñoz de la Pascua atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas no funcionario
  • Aegon
  • Antares
  • Bono Médico
  • Cáser Salud
  • Cigna
  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Mediafiatc
  • Sersanet

Dr. José Nieto Martín-Bejarano


He graduated in Medicine by Cadiz´s University in 1982. Specialized in Urology at Virgen del Rocio"s Hospital in Seville (1985-1990) .

He is a member of the Spanigh Urology Scietific Associtation, as well as the Andalucian Urology Society. 

He has published numerous scientific articles in Urology and has collaborated with the Spanish and Andalucian Urology Associations in different work groups.

He is a teacher of the medical students trainning to become General Medicine Practitioners at the Urology Department in Jerez´s Public Hospital. 

He has an extended experience in urologic ultrasound, open urologic surgery as well as endoscopic. 

Dr. José Nieto Martín-Bejarano

El Dr. José Nieto Martín-Bejarano atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • DKV
  • Sanitas

Dr. Alfonso Parra Reguera


He graduated in Medicine by Cadiz´s University in 2000. He is specialized in Rehabilitation by the Autonoma´s University in Madrid in 2004.

He continued his postgraduate trainning at the Paraplejic Hospital in Toledo, as well as the Children´s Hospital Niño Jesús in Madrid.

He also has a Masters inRating Bodily Injury and as well as in Child Rehabilitation.

Dr. Alfonso Parra Reguera

El Dr. Alfonso Parra Reguera atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Accidentados de tráfico
  • Aegon
  • HNA
Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología

Dr. Eustaquio Pastor de Ávila

Traumatology and Orthopedics

Graduated from the University of Cádiz, he has over 30 years experience in Traumatology, Orthopedics and Surgery of the foot.

Dr. Eustaquio Pastor de Ávila
Nutrición y Dietética

Ms. Ana Pemán Pérez-Serrano

Nutrition and Diet

She graduated in Nutrition and Diet by Navarra´s University in 2003.

Bachelor of Science and Food Technology from the University of Barcelona in 2005.

She specialized in Sports Nutrition h at the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI ) in 2003 in Rome .

She has experience in nutrition consultation in different centers since 2006.

Ms. Ana Pemán Pérez-Serrano

Dra. Margarita Puerto Castrillón


Dr. Puerto has over 30 years experience in the field of dermatology. 

She graduated from the University of Cadiz in 1981 has extensive experience in both the public and private health care systems. 

She is an expert in Dermatology, sexual trasnsmitions diseases and clinical analysis.

She has made numerous presentations at medical conferences and published papers extensively in journals.

Dra. Margarita Puerto Castrillón

La Dra. Margarita Puerto Castrillón atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Aegon
  • Avant Salud
  • Caser Salud

Dr. Dionisio Romero Comella


Dr. Romero has over 20 years of experience in the field of psychiatry. He graduated in 1992 from the University of Cadiz and is an expert in legal Psychiatry.

Dr. Dionisio Romero Comella

El Dr. Dionisio Romero Comella atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • DKV
  • Medifiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Cosalud
  • Mutua Universal
Médico de Urgencias

Dra. Susana de la Rosa Pizarro

Ginecología y Obstetricia

Dra. Mercedes Salado Fuentes

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Dr. Salado has over 10 years of experience in the field of gynecology and obstetrics and several publications on clinical cases in medical journals. 

She graduated in 2002 from the University of Sevilla, and has worked in the Breast Unit at the Hospital Virgen del Rocío de Sevilla and the Reproduction Unit of Clinical Recoletos in Valladolid. Has extended her experience in the General Services Gynecology, Breast Unit, Unit Menopause and Family Planning Unit.

Dra. Mercedes Salado Fuentes

La Dra. Mercedes Salado Fuentes atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Aegon
  • Antares
  • Avant Salud
  • Caser Salud
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • HNA
  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Medifiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet

Dra. María del Mar Ruíz Tudela


She graduated in Medicine by Cadiz´s University in 1991. Specialized in Reumathology at Puerta del Mar´s Hospital in Cádiz in 2001. 

She postgraduated in Ideopatic Youth Artritis with honnors in 2009.

Her latest publications in Spanish Medical Journals are related to the Sjogren Sindrome and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Reumatol Clin. 2015; 11:41-4). As well as to Grangrenoso Pioderma.  (Reumatoolo Cin. 2012;8(2): 90-92.)

Dra. María del Mar Ruíz Tudela

La Dra. María del Mar Ruíz Tudela atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Antares
  • Aegon
  • Caser Salud
  • Cosalud
  • DKV
  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Medifiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
Médico de urgencias

Dr. Sergio Sepúlveda Oriente

Dr. Sergio Sepúlveda Oriente

El Dr. Sergio Sepúlveda Oriente atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Antares
  • Aegon
  • Asefa Salud
  • Avant Salud
  • Caser
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • HNA
  • Medifiatc
  • Mutua Gallega
  • Mutua Universal
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
  • Umas.

Dra. Carmen Salom Coveñas

La Dra. Carmen Salom Coveñas atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Caser
  • DKV
  • Fiatc
  • HNA
  • Aegon
  • Sanitas
  • Adeslas

Mr. Miguel Saldaña Verdugo


He graduated in Chiropody by Seville´s University and is specialized in Podiatric Surgery, Biomecanics and Sports Chirodody.

He is graduated in Nursing and has a Master in Posturology.

He is a member of the Professional College of Podiatry in Andalucia, as well as in the Spanish Society of Biomecanis and Ortopodology. He is also member of the Spanich Society of Sports Podiatry.

He has an extended experience and he is very involved in all the technical innovations.

Mr. Miguel Saldaña Verdugo
Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología

Dr. Davide Silanus Testino

Traumatology and Orthopedics

He graduated in General Medicine by Genova"s University.

He after specialized in Traumatology in 2005 from the University of Genova (Italy). He is an expert astroscopic knee surgery, shoulder and ankle, as well as foot surgery.

Dr. Davide Silanus Testino

El Dr. Davide Silanus Testino atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Aegon
  • Allianz
  • Antares
  • Caser Seguros
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • Helvetia
  • HNA
  • Medifiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Umas
  • Umivale
Ginecología y Obstetricia

Dra. María Eugenia Timermans

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Cadiz.

She is specialized in Gynecology and Obstetrics with an extensive experience since 1995 .

Her main area of interest and expertise is in maternal and fetal medicine, with high knowledge in fetal ultrasound.

Dra. María Eugenia Timermans

La Dra. María Eugenia Timermans atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Antares
  • Avant Salud
  • Caser Salud
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • HNA
  • Mapfre Familiar
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
Medicina de Familia

Dr. Julio Rafael Toscano Gómez

General Practitioner

Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugía por la Universidad de Cádiz.

Especializado en Medicina de Familia vía MIR desde 2001. Posteriormente se especializó en Hematología en 2006. Extendió sus conocimientos como hematólogo dentro de la Unidad de Médula Ósea en el Hospital Virgen del Rocío en Sevilla.

Posee una amplia experiencia en el campo de la Medicina de Familia, llevando a cabo su labor en varios centros de la provincia de Cádiz durante su carrera.

Dr. Julio Rafael Toscano Gómez

El Dr. Julio Rafael Toscano Gómez atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Antares
  • Aegon
  • Asefa Salud
  • Avant Salud
  • Caser
  • Cigna
  • DKV
  • HNA
  • Medifiatc
  • Mutua Gallega
  • Mutua Universal
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
  • Umas.
Angiología y Cirugía Vascular

Dra. Nadia Vallejo Díaz

Vascular Surgery

Dr. Vallejo has an extensive resume of experience and national and international training.

She graduated with medical degree from the University of Granada in 2002 and MIR specialist in Vascular Surgery at  The Fundacion Jimenez Diaz Hospital in Madrid in 2009. 

Dr. Vallejo holds the Soclacivas Prize, awarded at the Congress of the Society of Angiology and Vascular Surgery of Asturias, Castilla Leon, Central, and Northern Galicia. 

Author of numerous publications in national and international journals, twice in the "Journal of Vascular Surgery". 

She worked for a year at the unity of Vascular Surgery at Saint Mary"s Hospital in London which is a flagship hospital within the National Health Service. She has also worked as a endovascular research resident in Arizona Heart Hospital in Phoenix, Arizona (USA). 

She is an expert in the integral treatment of varicose veins using all current techniques such as Venaseal, intravenous thermal treatment with radiofrequency, echoguided phlebosclerosis or traditional surgery. In addition, together with Dr. García Turrillo, they perform vascular accesses for hemodialysis in the province of Cádiz.

Dra. Nadia Vallejo Díaz

La Dra. Nadia Vallejo Díaz atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Sanitas
Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología

Dr. José Luis Vázquez Hidalgo

Traumatology and Orthopedics

Graduated in 1991 from the University of Cádiz, he is an expert in Foot Surgery and Traumatology.

Dr. José Luis Vázquez Hidalgo

El Dr. José Luis Vázquez Hidalgo atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:

  • Adeslas
  • Aegon
  • Allianz
  • Antares
  • Caser Salud
  • DKV
  • HNA
  • Medifiatc
  • Sanitas
  • Sersanet
  • Umivale